Run Away With Howei

Hamster Trapped Howei
Howei Fun Way
Hamster Wheel Howei
Run Away With Howei

In our busy corporate lives, we can become so consumed with making money that we forget the important things, the beautiful things, the simple things in life – a stroll in the morning warmth in the great outdoors. Run away with Howei today!

Just go to to find the outdoor event that will bring you back to nature or put a spark into your tired heart!

Making Good Use of Space

Tropicana Grov Bedroom
Wanted Interior Designers

Our existence revolves around how we interact and how we use the space around us. How we fill or create voids with meaning and things. How well we make us of our space…

Design is no different – we have to balance what we cram into our limited fields of view. Everything has to be mobile sized now.

Masterful Glass Sculptures by Zen Craft

glass liu li zencraft

Zen Craft is the top glass craft maker and provider in Malaysia and Singapore. Let Zen Craft make you customised gifts, souvenirs and decoration craft for your wedding, new home or business ceremony, or any special occasion! All glass craft (known as Liu Li in mandarin) is hand made and has the glistening and clearness properties of crystal and diamond.